Fee: 1,000

Start: 06月25日(Tue) 13:10

Closed: 06月25日(Tue) 14:25

Entries: 7 / 30

Status: Finished

【PR】 PokerSnowie 感謝祭開催中!

賞金総額120万円相当、毎月ラストの日曜日14時に Fans Poker アプリ内にて無料参加!

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Event descriptions








大阪府大阪市中央区 東心斎橋1-16-29つるのすビル4階 アルパカジノ



Station:心斎橋駅 6番出口 徒歩3分(大阪メトロ御堂筋線) 長堀橋駅 7番出口 徒歩5分(大阪メトロ堺筋線 長堀橋鶴見緑地線) 四ツ橋駅 2番出口 徒歩8分(大阪メトロ四つ橋線) なんば駅 B12出口 徒歩9分(大阪メトロ御堂筋線・千日前線・四つ橋線)

Tournament settings

Game type Texas Hold'em
SP payment No
Limit type No Limit
Seats 10
Start chips 15000
Reentry 9time
Reentry chips 15000
Reentry fee ¥1,000
Rebuy No
Addon 9time
Addon chips 15000
Addon fee ¥1,000


Level Small / Big Ante Duration
1 100 / 100 -- 15min
2 100 / 200 200 15min
3 200 / 400 400 15min
4 300 / 600 600 15min
5 400 / 800 800 15min
6 Break Time(8min)
7 500 / 1000 1000 15min
8 600 / 1200 1200 15min
9 800 / 1600 1600 15min
10 1000 / 2000 2000 10min
11 1500 / 3000 3000 10min
12 2000 / 4000 4000 10min
13 3000 / 6000 6000 10min
14 4000 / 8000 8000 10min
15 6000 / 12000 12000 8min
16 8000 / 16000 16000 8min
17 10000 / 20000 20000 8min
18 20000 / 40000 40000 8min
19 30000 / 60000 60000 8min
20 40000 / 80000 80000 8min
21 50000 / 100000 100000 8min
22 60000 / 120000 120000 8min
23 80000 / 160000 160000 8min
24 100000 / 200000 200000 8min
25 200000 / 400000 400000 8min
26 300000 / 600000 600000 8min
27 400000 / 800000 800000 8min
28 500000 / 1000000 1000000 8min
29 600000 / 1200000 1200000 8min
30 800000 / 1600000 1600000 8min


Please agree to the following before applying

If player's number is less than the minimum number, the event may be canceled. If there isn's another event instead, the entry fee will be returned.

After completing the entry, you will be automatically registered as a member of the organizer. Personal info other than the poker ID, nickname, and profile photo will not be disclosed.

If the event is canceled due to Force majeure, the paid entry fee will not be returned and neither an alternative event is guaranteed.

Please present your poker ID and nickname to the staff on the day of the event before joining.

Tournament result
Rank Name Points
1 city ナーガ 5,000.00
2 city 匿名 4,000.00
3 ウィンディ 3,000.00
4 city かっつー 2,000.00
5 Unknow 1,000.00
6 city こま。 --
Fortune トーナメント〜6/30
Rank Name Points
1 city 匿名 280,000.00
2 city くんくん 87,000.00
3 city ひなみ 86,000.00
4 city らばーど 74,000.00
5 city りきや 71,000.00
6 city ryohei 66,000.00
7 Unknow 63,000.00
8 city ぬこ 62,000.00
9 city りん 61,000.00
10 city こーいち 58,000.00
11 city S,A 57,000.00
12 city ナーガ 53,000.00
13 city WU 46,000.00
14 city かっつー 44,000.00
15 city マチカネヒロちゃん 42,000.00
16 city きゅうた 42,000.00
17 city さやか 42,000.00
18 city あける 41,000.00
19 city Hiro 41,000.00
20 heremeke 40,000.00
21 city ヨウジ 40,000.00
22 ハネキッド 39,000.00
23 city ヒロ 38,000.00
24 city ほった 37,000.00
25 city スジ 36,000.00
26 city みらい 36,000.00
27 city アルパ会長 34,000.00
28 city わらじ 31,000.00
29 city さいとう 28,000.00
30 city りょー 27,000.00
31 city ふゆ 27,000.00
32 city 鳩サブレ 26,000.00
33 city 福田ですよ。 25,000.00
34 city マカロニ軍曹 24,000.00
35 city タイガ 24,000.00
36 Unknow 24,000.00
37 city いしだ君さん 23,000.00
38 city オーソー 23,000.00
39 city こま。 22,000.00
40 city A.Daiki 22,000.00
41 city セイヤ 22,000.00
42 city konnnny17 20,000.00
43 city 小林 悟 20,000.00
44 city ああああ 20,000.00
45 city ふるさわ! 19,000.00
46 city 池の亀 19,000.00
47 city ノリスケ 18,000.00
48 city ぱんだ 18,000.00
49 city ふー 18,000.00
50 city JAMES 18,000.00